domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Week 4, 5 and 6 minecraft experience

The giant Robot (Week 4)

In my week 4, of playing minecraft i wanted to create a sculture, something unique, something that by the time, will get very cool, i think about a giant robot in the middle of a snow place, but the robot gotta be something magnificent, somekind of super tall robot that can reach the sky, first i gotta find the place where the robot will be build, as i said i wanted a snow place, i dont know why but i wanted that way, I talk about this project with my friend saul, and he decided to help me to find materials, like wood, gold, iron, and clay, to finish the robot, because i started to build it with wood, we have to finish it with wood, inside the robot, i build like rooms, and in the arm of the robot is a portal to the ender world, in its head, i put blue blocks that i dont know its name, but i put outside the head like eyes and a smile, it looks like a happy robot, also it looks a little creepy.

To build this robot was very exhausted, because it is very big, and i had to climb up with the stairs to a specific place, then when the stairs were insuffient, i had to go down and craft new stairs, and I was very lazy in that moment, to do that kind of things, but at last it looks pretty cool, when i finish the robot, my friend saul, take me to a deep hole that if you fill it with water, drives you to a mine, were you can easily find any material that is necessary, like gold, or iron, and if you are lucky DIAMOND, that is because in a lower level like that, you find more often materials.

After finishing my super robot i decided to build a house near the construction, a house made of brick, i dont have a lot, so the house is half brick half wood, i put every decoration to the house to make it look more colorful, i started to plant seeds  wheat beside my house, but that was imposible because the water freeze, plant wheat was imposble, but doesnt matter, i have a giant robot, i finish my goal, and i can do whatever i want, now that my project is finish.

"In this picture you can appreciate the size of my robot"

"This is a picture where you can see me in the arm of the robot, i died seconds later, because of a wrong step"

My adventure in the lonely village (Week 5)

I created a new world where I supposed to survive by myself, I thought that by the time I collect materials, I could live in some kind of cave, so there it was me,  the primitive that lives in a cave, by the time I was there, as I said, I was collecting materials,  in the cave I started to mine, it not took a lot of time to collect a lot of iron, iron everywhere, after dig a lot of big holes and trying to reach the lower level in search of diamond, I decided to explore world outside the cave, by my surprise, I found a village, I was so mad about that because I could be living in a elegant house of wood or something, but because of my laziness I didn’t, but then I rapidly overcome that problem, and I started to live in that village, it was very cool because the village was like connect to a jungle, and a snow place, this lonely village was the center of those places, and to add more about this awesome village, in front of it  is a fountain of lava very cool, and also there were giant mountains near the village.

After my amazing discovery, I was searching for a very deep hole, where I could start to mine, it will be more easy to me if I could find, a hole that is already excavated, near the village and beside a huge mountain there it was a cave, I enter in it, and started mining, I found gold, iron, and lots of carbon. After this I get out of the cave, and then I was surprised by a wolf, and then I thought, I can domesticated it, so I look in my inventory to see if I had bones or something to give to the wolf, I was lucky to carry only one bone, someone must be very lucky to domesticate a wolf with only one bone, but I must be very lucky because that Wolf accepted to be my friend with only one Bone, so there it was me not alone anymore, just me and my dog.

Going back home I noticed that I was very near of the lava fountain, so I stopped and take a look at it, and then I continue to the village, there in a house, I put all my stuff, to live comfortable, in the village there it was like a tower, that if you climb it you can perfectly see all the village, I took a look at it, the village was small but very cool, and full of houses.
This part of my story is very sad, let me tell you why, when the night comes, a lot of monster came out, I was inside the tower of the village with my dog, I decided to not get out of the building because outside, was full of monsters, I just stay there, but then, in front of me there it was a door that it is supposed to not let enter the monsters, but by my surprise, a creeper was like, passing through the door, and it enters to the building, and I made the mistake of attacking it, because the wolf will attack to and get closer to the creeper but the creeper will blow the wolf up, and so it happens my wolf attack the creeper and the wolf blow up, but it stills alive, but as I said the outside was full of monsters, instantly another creeper was coming and I was like trapped, I can’t move to nowhere, and then my wolf attack the creeper, the creeper exploded and that explosion kills my wolf, I was very sad about this situation, I escaped from the monster and I return to my house to sleep, the other day, I just don’t have nothing to do, and I just leave it like that, because once again I was alone, but then I realized that I could go and explore, and find other wolf, but I will do that in other occasion.

"The fountain of lava that I mentioned in this story"

"This is me, from the tower of the village, as I said you can look the hole village from the top of this tower"

"This was my first discover of gold, in this lonely village saga"

Creative mode with my brothers,Sky Utopia (week 6)

In this week, I played with my brothers in creative mode, there were lots of possibilities in creative, first I didn’t know what to build, until my brain gets an idea, we explore the area, we did this flying, and in our trip we saw a village, and was like, a village?, in creative?, in a world that do not have any constructions?, but then I didn’t care and we just get down to take a look to the village.

In the village we found like incomplete rails with a mine car, and then I got the idea of making a roller coaster, a giant roller coaster, that climbs to the sky and then go back to the ground, my brothers just follow me, because they always love my ideas and constructions.

We get it started, taking the rails up and then more up, the thing of flying just made this project more easy to finish, we used cobblestone and lots of rails, when we reach the higher level where you can´t put no more blocks, I thought to build like a house, from up to down, it will be constructed backwards, and because of my flying skills that will be more easy, and the roller coaster that was not finished, it only reach the top of the map, it will be used like to transport you to the floating house.

Because it was creative mode, I decided to build like houses of gold or diamond, just to make it look more colorful, this houses were floating in the sky, and connected by a road made of gold or iron, I didn’t put a lot of details to it, but surely, if I play again in that map I will do and finish my sky Utopia.

"My trip in the roller coaster to the top, cool isnt it?"

"The city is not  finish yet, but you can see all the buildings that are floating, made of gold or diamond, also of obsidian"

"Sky Utopia"

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